Finger Lakes Division Kiwanis

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Division Clubs

Club Events

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Club Events

This is a list of club special events. For regular meeting information, see the Division Clubs link above.

To add your club's event, e-mail me.


Saturday, April 26      Division Event

Autism Awareness and Acceptance Walk

The Division is the sponsor for Kiwanians to participate in an Autism Awareness and Acceptance Walk at Eastview Mall on April 26. See the flyer for details.

Event Flyer

Saturday, April 26      Farmington-Victor

Bunco Tournament

Farmington-Victor's annual Bunco Tournament will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. on April 26 at Martensia Lodge in Farmington.

See the flyer for details and to register.The event will benefit the American Cancer Society.

Event Flyer


Friday, May 16      Penfield-Perinton Townships


At Faircraft Brauhaus

Saturday, May 17      Geneva

Chicken Barbecue

The Chicken Barbecue will take place at 11 a.m. at Harley Davidson, Routes 5 & 20, Geneva.


Monday, June 2      Farmington-Victor

Kiwanis Club of Farmington-Victor Golf Tournament

The 35th annual Farmington-Victor Golf Tournament will be on Monday, June 2, at the Ravenwood Golf Club. See the brochure for how to sign up or sponsor the event.


Monday, June 16      Penfield-Perinton Townships

33rd Annual Golf Tournament

At Shadow Lake Golf Club. More information to follow.

Saturday, June 28      Geneva

Golf Tournament

The tournament will start at 8 a.m. at the Big Oak Golf Course, 33 Packwood Road, Geneva.

Event Flyer


Saturday, July 26      Bushnell's Basin-Pittsford

Garden Tour

The third annual Garden Tour sponsored by the Bushnell's Basin-Pittsford club will take place on Saturday, July 26.

See the flyer for details,

Event Flyer


Tuesday, December 9      Penfield-Perinton Townships

Holiday party and Gov. Bob Raffle