Finger Lakes Division Kiwanis

Kiwanis Service

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Division Clubs

Club Events

2024-25 Leadership

Meeting Minutes


Past Leadership


MMOD is March 29 at Eastview Mall

The Finger Lakes Division of Kiwanis International will be joining together for their annual Miracle Mile of Donations to raise funds for the URMC Golisano Children's Hospital Pediatric Behavioral and Wellness Programs.

The event on March 29, from 11-6 p.m. will be held at Eastview Mall Main Court.

Join us for an interactive children's concert featuring Mr. Loops at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., face painting, card making, pancake toss, and basket raffle all to support URMC Golisano Children's Hospital Pediatric Behavioral and Wellness Programs.

Members from each club are encouraged to volunteer, times available are below.

Set up: 9 a.m. - 3 positions

During the day, volunteers are asked to sign up for a shift. The shifts will be 11 a.m to 1 p.m., 1 to 3 p.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. Volunteers are needed for the Main Table, Raffle table, Card making table, and Change makers (donation jar).

To sign up, contact Chair Kim Sandic, 585-455-2622,ksandic@gmail.com.

A flyer is available to publicize the event.

Register now for the Governor's Official Visit

Governor's and First Lady's Projects

Information on the 2024-25 Governor's Project and First Lady's Project is now available.

Youth Protection Training

Kiwanis International is now providing additional training for Service Leadership Program advisors, and the New York district has made completion a requirement for clubs to be honored as distinguished for the current year.

More information is available.

Division Feather Banners

Your club can borrow the feather banners which have been purchased by the Division. See the existing schedule and instructions on how to make your reservation.

Banners are also now available as well.

Who We Are

The Finger Lakes Division in the New York District of Kiwanis International includes 12 clubs in Monroe, Wayne, Ontario and Seneca counties.

The schedule for division and district events is at right. See the Division Clubs page for information on club meetings.

Club special events for the next two months are listed at right; more details and a schedule for all future events are on the Club Events page. Send me additions for your club.